Support for Dynamics 365
Go to Maplytic Download Page, choose the Dynamic 365 CRM version for installation, and then click 'Download' to start your download.
Your download will begin. Save your compressed Maplytics file.
Extract the folder, and you will find Managed Solution file as shown below:
The file name can vary depending on the CRM version:
Dynamics 365 Online Version 9.x – Maplytics_9_0_4_0_managed
Dynamics 365 / CRM 2016 – Maplytics_8_0_7_0_managed
Now you need to import the Maplytics Managed solution that will be included in the extracted folder.
Import solution in Dynamics CRM:
Follow the steps to import and install Maplytics solution.
Navigate to Advanced Settings on Gear Icon on top right to import the solution.
Navigate to Settings --> Solutions.
Click on Import.
Browse the downloaded file.
To import the managed solution, Go to Maplytics App > Settings > Solution > Import > Browse the managed solution > Import
While importing the Solution, please check the ‘'Enable any SDK’ message as shown in the below screenshot.
CRM 2013 and CRM 2015: When we create a solution, we use the vanilla box of CRM. After importing Maplytics solution, all entity level properties of Account/Contact/Lead are overridden. So after installation, you have to set those properties manually. The example would be auditing, if you have turned on the auditing then it will turn off after importing Maplytics solution. So you have to turn it on manually.
CRM 2016 and above: Entity-level properties will remain the same as before importing the solution.
For any queries, reach out to us at
Last updated