By Territory
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This helps the user to plot the data defined in a particular sales territory. The user can select multiple territories in ‘Select Territory’ option and respective Datasource & view to plot the territories along with the records assigned with them.
Users can also plot records from territories allotted to them and the territories that have been allotted to the territory managers who report to them, i.e. their team. They can use the ‘#My Territory#’ and ‘#My Team Territory#’ option for the same.
Consider Rocco is a territory manager with Territory Growth Region allotted to him. Dustin & Robin are another managers with territory Elite Region & Prime Region, who reports to Rocco. When Rocco checks the My Territory, his territory Growth Region gets plotted on the map with its records.
When Rocco checks just the My Team Territory option, the territories of Dustin and Robin, Elite Region and Prime Region will get plotted on the map with their records.
However, when Rocco selects both My Territory and My Team Territory, his as well as Dustin’s and Robin’s territories, i.e., Growth Region, Elite Region, and Prime Region all get plotted on the map along with the records from All Accounts entity.
Similarly, if Dustin logs in and plots the territory records using these options, in My Territory, he would see Elite Region. He won’t see anything with the My Team Territory option as he doesn’t have any territory managers reporting to him allotted territories and records as well as he is not a member of any other territory.
The territories and records plotted above for Rocco can be saved as a template and added to the analytical Dashboard such that Rocco need not replot all the territories every time but can visualize them conveniently on the dashboard as a template.
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