Multiple Categorization for Single Entity
Users can also plot a single entity records categorized by multiple attributes e.g. Account records categorized by Open revenue, Originating lead, Owner. The user can choose an entity twice or thrice with two or three different views respectively and choose required attributes for the respective views to categorize the same entity with different attributes. User can select a maximum of three attributes to categorize a single entity.
User can select a maximum of three attributes to categorize a single entity.

Case 1: Single Entity, Three Attributes
While plotting a single entity categorized by three attributes, three category cards will open up for the three attributes. For example, the screenshot below shows Accounts plotted on the map which is categorized by three different attributes viz. Annual Revenue, Industry, Owner, and three different cards have opened up for each of them.

The category cards are shown above states which category is represented by which pushpin. The categories are represented with the three different parts of every single pushpin.

All the above three icons combine to form the following pushpin:

This will represent the plotted records. Each of the three parts represents three different categories with different colors shown within the category card. For example, the category card ‘Account – Annual revenue’ shows the Star part of the pushpin and represents the Account records that belong to different ranges of Annual revenue with different colors. The category card ‘Account-industry’ shows the Body part of the pushpin and represents the Account records that belong to different industries with different colors and the category card ‘Account-Owner’ shows the Base part of the pushpin and represents the Account records that belong to different owners with different colors.
Case 2: Single Entity, Two Attributes
In case, the user has selected only two attributes to categorize the entity records, the map will display the categorized pushpins, and legend cards for each category which will appear on the left. Suppose the selected categories are Address- City and Industry, the search result would look as follows.

The 1st selected category (in this case Address- City) would have grey pushpins assigned to each City. Users can assign different pushpin styles from those available in the drop-down. They can also add their custom pushpins, configure them, and put them to use.

The 2nd selected category (in this case Industry) would have different colors assigned to different industries. Users can change the colors as required.

Note: Users can upload SVG/PNG images and use them as pushpins. PNG Images are not editable in terms of colors
To upload new SVG/PNG pushpins the users have to follow the following path:
Maplytics App > Settings > Maplytics Configuration > Advance Setting > Define images for pushpins
Existing users can periodically re-configure pushpins to avail the newly added ones.
The configured pushpins & colors will default appear on the search
If the Accounting Industry is present in New York City, the city pushpin shall be represented in the industry color.
If the user decides to concentrate only on a few Cities in the Address legend, he can deselect the others. Only the selected cities will be present on the map and the pushpins for the others will vanish. If an industry is present in one of the deselected cities only, it too shall get deselected in the legend.

Similarly, if the users concentrate on industries such as Accounting, Building Supply Retail, and Customer Services, the pushpins of only those cities these industries are present in shall be active on the map.

The plotting of categories follows AND condition. This means that if the user deselects a category in one category card, then all the pushpins for records that belong to that category will be hidden from the map even if any of the records belong to any other categories as well. For instance, if the user deselects the category of Annual revenue between 5000-10000, then all the pushpins for the records that belong to this category will be hidden from the map even if any of these records belong to other category like owner or industry.
In the screenshot below, three categories have been selected viz. Annual Revenue, Industry and Owner.

In the screenshot below, only two categories have been selected viz. Annual Revenue and Industry.

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