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The workflows for Geocoding and Territory Assignment designed can be used on a day-to-day basis for addresses that are changed or added occasionally. However, for bulk geocoding/territory assignment on data, we recommend using the Batch Processing tool. This tool ensures that the bulk geocoding on records is handled in single batch. While in the territory assignment, this tool helps to assign the respective territories to all the selected records based on their Latitude and Longitude values.
To run this tool, the user needs to make sure that machine has Microsoft .net framework 4.0 and Maplytics installed in Dynamics CRM.
To run the tool, Extract the Batch Processing tool .zip file and run the BatchProcessingTool application.
Connection Details: Please enter the CRM details on this screen. The users have to enter the following details:
Deployment Type: The user can select either of the options given in below screenshot depending on their deployment.
Show Advanced: The user can select the Online Region and proceed to enter the ‘Username’ and the ‘Password’
Organization: The organization list will be auto-populated with the organizations available in CRM on selecting the checkbox. Select the organization for which Maplytics is to be or already has been installed.
Password: Password of CRM user
Server: Please enter the server url of CRM. For example, http://<servername>:<port> or https://<orgname>
When the user enters the server URL in the case of On-premises deployment model, the organization list will be auto-populated with the organizations available in CRM on selecting the checkbox. Select the organization for which Maplytics is to be or already has been installed.
Password: Password of CRM user
Make A Selection: Here, the user can make a selection whether they would like to run this tool for Geocoding (Batch Geocode) or Territory Assignment. The third option is available for installing/ uninstalling Territory Distribution Windows Service. In this example, we have chosen Batch Geocode as shown below:
Choose Entity and Filtering:
Please find the details of the same below:
· Entity: Select the entities on which the user would like to run this tool.
· Views: Once the user selects the entity, all the views defined for this entity are populated in the list of views. Select the required view.
The plus sign can be clicked upon to add more entities and views. The check box at the bottom allows the records to be shared with the user, if required.
Non-Geo coded Records have a separate view ‘Non Geocode’ for Batch Geocoding for all the Entities. All the non-geo coded records of multiple entities can be processed together.
Users can enter the email address, if they would like the job results to be mailed to them.
The user can go back to the previous stage while in the ‘Make A Selection’ and ‘ Choose Entity And Filtering’ stages of the process. Returning from Processing and Result stage is not possible.
Processing :
In this section, the user can see the progress of the geocoding process. User can quit the process anytime by clicking on the option at the bottom.
The Batch Processing Tool takes time to process based on the number of records selected. Please do not close the window until this process is completed.
Record Summary:
Bing Status: This shows the number of records for which the geocoding from Bing Maps was a success or a failure.
CRM Status: This shows the number of records for which the updation of geocoordinates (Latitude & Longitude) to the respective CRM records was a success or a failure.
After completing the geocoding process, the user can download the results. The results will be downloaded in Excel format. User can check the columns of CRMDescription and BingDescription in the result to check the reason for failure of processes on the records.
With the options at the bottom, the user can return home, download the result in an Excel format, or exit the process.
Territory assignment:
CRM Status: This shows the number of the records for which the updation of Territories for the respective CRM records was successful or failed.
The Non Geocode records can be processed in a separate view for all Entities
Non Geocode View is not applicable for Territory Assignment while running the Batch processing tool
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Username: Username of a valid CRM user. For example
Username: Username of a valid CRM user. For example:
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